
GSoC- Bugs!

What did you do this week? PR fury-gl/fury#422 (merged): Integrated the 3d impostor spheres with the marker actor. PR fury-gl/fury#422 (merged): Fixed some issues with my maker PR which now it's merged on fury.

GSoC- A Stadia-like system for data visualization

Hi all! In this post I'll talk about the PR #437. There are several reasons to have a streaming system for data visualization. Because I’m doing a PhD in a developing country I always need to think of the cheapest way to use the computational resources available.


Bibcure helps in boring tasks by keeping your bibfile up to date and normalized...also allows you to easily download all papers inside your bibtex

Python Triângulo

A comunidade python triângulo foi criada em 2016 com o intuito de promover a divulgação da linguagem python e o uso de software-livre em Uberlândia-MG e região


O Recicla Aqui é um projeto que foi desenvolvido em parceria com um amigo(Régis Maicon) e o CIAEM-UFU para alfabetização tecnológica e aprimoramento de processos das cooperativas em Uberlândia-MG


eMaTe is a python package which can estimate spectral propreties of very large matrices and networks