
Correlation matrix analysis with the nested stochastic block model:the graph structure of stock market.

How to extract insights of huge correlation matrices? Here I’ll show you how a comunity detection methdod in graphs can help us in this task.

Going meta with python: manipulating ASTs to create an introspective decorator at runtime

Is python interpreted or compiled? Knowing the nuances of the answer will help us build meta code using AST manipulation at runtime. I’ll show you how to construct a decorator that can introspect in the local variables without tracing tricks!

An introspective python decorator using stack frames and the inspect module

Here I will discuss how to use the inspect module and the sys.trace to introspect in a python method using a decorator. With that, we can create a lot cool things like mathematical validation for our arguments, a report generator or any other kind of introspection.

Grafos e filtragem de arestas I: conceitos e confusões

Assim como filtramos imagens para melhorar a visualização ou ressaltar características também podem filtrar relações (arestas) em um grafo com o mesmo objetivo. Veremos aqui alguns tipos de filtragens.

Dissecting processes and failures in Linux with lsof and strace: cases for MlOps and DevOps

In DevOps or MlOps discovering what a process is doing now can save your system from a catastrophe. Save your job using strace and lsof.

Variações do teorema central do limite para matrizes aleatórias.

Como é possível ouvir matrizes de correlação usando seu espectro?Como podemos analisar esse “barulho” usando resultados da teoria de matrizes aleatórias para aprimorar algoritmos de construção de carterias de investimento?

GSoC- Google Summer of Code 2021 Final Work Product

Detailed weekly tasks, progress and work done can be found here Abstract We have changed some points of my project in the first meeting. Specifically, we focused the efforts into developing a streaming system using the WebRTC protocol that could be used in more generic scenarios than just the network visualization.

GSoC- SDF fonts and OpenGL

What did I do this week? FURY PR fury-gl/fury#489: | I’ve created the PR that will allow FURY to draw hundreds thousands of labels using texture maps. By default, this PR give to FURY three pre-built texture maps using different fonts.

GSoC- Network layout algorithms using IPC

Hi all. In the past weeks, I’ve been focusing on developing Helios; the network visualization library for FURY. I improved the visual aspects of the network rendering as well as implemented the most relevant network layout methods.

GSoC- Bugs!

What did you do this week? PR fury-gl/fury#422 (merged): Integrated the 3d impostor spheres with the marker actor. PR fury-gl/fury#422 (merged): Fixed some issues with my maker PR which now it's merged on fury.